
16. Driving Competition

Leagues give various admins the opportunity to have their riders compete against each other on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. These competitions result in riders improving their driving habits through positive encouragement.

How do I start a driving competition?

To start a competition, click on the "Trophy" located in the taskbar.

Modify an existing league or create a new league by clicking "Start a new league."

How do you create a new competition?

  1. ‍Name: Give the competition a name.
  2. ‍Period: Specify the period of when the competition will take place.
  3. ‍StartUp / Finish: Specify when the competition starts and when it ends.
  4. ‍Groups: Competitions are based on groups. Create group? Click on the "Auto" in the taskbar and then select "Groups".
  5. ‍Anonymous: Hide the names of group riders.
  6. ‍Sende-mail: Receive competition results by e-mail.