
2. Vehicles - adjust mileage

Where can I find an overview of all vehicles? How do I add a new car?

In this section, everything about your vehicle(s).

Vehicle already added

Click on the vehicle in the main menu, we have already created your vehicle. Click on "Vehicle Details" and scroll down to edit your license plate number and mileage. We create the vehicle under "change name", do you want to change it? Then click the pencil icon next to "Change Name" or your given vehicle name.

Would you like to add a new vehicle? Then click here!

Add new vehicle - Change vehicle (new car)

Click on the vehicle on the left in the taskbar. Here you can find an overview of all your vehicles.

Click on the orange "Add vehicle" button. Here you add all the information of your new vehicle. Before you plug the dongle into your car, link the correct IMEI number to the new car. Then fill in all input fields. Link the vehicle to the regular driver or add a new driver. When you're done, click "Add vehicle."

Want to swap your current car with a new one?

Do you have a new vehicle and want to replace it with another car? Then you must first "Uncouple" the vehicle.

Under your old vehicle, click Vehicle Details, scroll down and click Disconnect dongle. Then add your new vehicle with the correct dongle number.

Adjusting mileage - Online portal

Eventually, you should also be able to adjust your mileage. This is possible through the portal or through our app. Below you can see the instruction!


  1. Log in to the portal
  2. From the main menu, click on the vehicle icon
  3. Find the vehicle you need
  4. After this, click on "vehicle details" at the specific vehicle
  5. In the second screen, scroll down until you see "Current mileage"
  6. Click update
  7. In the third screen you enter your exact mileage and the reading date and time
  8. If necessary, adjust the date and time once you have read the odometer reading
  9. Then click update

You adjusted your mileage!

Vehicle KPI, what do you want to see in the summary?

The platform allows you to compare vehicles with specific KPIs. To do this, click on the arrow in the upper-right corner of the vehicle screen.

The menu that pops out shows all the KPI you can start working with. Select the KPIs you would like to see and then press "update". The platform will create an overview for you with all your vehicles containing the information of the selected KPIs.

EXTRA TIP: Adjust your mileage once a month in the first six months. After that, your mileage will be almost the same!