
6. Hallmark Ride Registration Systems Check.

Apply for your Keurmerk Ritregistratie certificate

Check your Keurmerk certificate on the website of Hallmark Ride Registration Systems

Upon installation, you automatically receive the Keurmerk Ritregistratiesystemen certificate. You can download this in our portal and check the number at the Keurmerk Ritregistratiesystemen.

We explain here what you need to do.

  1. Log in to the Cartracker portal
  2. Click on the vehicle in the main menu
  3. Select the vehicle you need, click on vehicle details
  4. Scroll down until you see"seal of approval. Click on the PDF file
  5. Copy the number listed in the PDF and go to the Hallmark website .
  6. Click Check Certificate and paste it into the text field - click check

Step 1 completed, what can be requested by the IRS?

The tax authorities request your trip registration only in situations of individual monitoring. If you are in possession of a trip registration system with the seal of approval (at Cartracker only in case of installation), the tax authorities can request your XML Audit File RRS. This is an XAR file (with trip registration) that you can view, but it is not editable. This file is easy to download via the Cartracker portal. Scroll on for the explanation!

How do I download my hallmark mileage report?

  1. Click on Hallmark Reports
  2. In the second frame you see all previous export orders, do you want to create a new export? Then click on Create new export
  3. Select the periods(start and stop)
  4. Choose whether to export by user or vehicle
  5. Select the vehicle and user or all users of the vehicle (useful for changing drivers)
  6. Then click on Create

What should be shown in the XAR file?

Cartracker acts entirely within the guidelines of the tax authorities. As a result, the following data must be visible to the tax authorities:

  1. the date
  2. the start and end position of the odometer
  3. the departure and arrival addresses. If you had an appointment and drove there from your work address and then back again, you made 2 trips.
  4. the route you drove, if you did not take the most common route
  5. Whether it is a private trip or a business trip
  6. private enrichment miles if both business and private miles are driven during a trip

The above data must be recorded. Private trips can be excluded from the standard output of the XAR file. This has to do with privacy considerations. But please note that when you register a private trip after a business trip, it must be included in the output of the XAR file.

Can I change my trips within an XAR file?

No, rides can only be changed before XML audit file is run. After downloading you cannot change the tours, before downloading you can change the tour mode from business to private and vice versa. You can however view the tours after download!