
Explanation of settings 19.

Explanation of all the settings! Personalize your entire account!

Settings - Portal

Find out what you can do in each submenu! The main menu takes you to settings. However, not everyone has the same rights, so you may not see all the settings. Do you want access? Send a message to!

1. Update company information - Branch address

Customize your company information here, think:

  1. Branch address
  2. Email address to log in
  3. Chamber of Commerce and VAT number
  4. Contact information

2. Billing information - I want to change my billing information and payment methods

Invoice information and payment methods are easily adjusted here.

3. Devices - Request support for your device (dongle or blackbox)

Request support here for when your device stops working. This is very helpful for our support department! Please request support for the exact device, so we have the correct data immediately.

  1. Click on devices in the settings menu
  2. The label support appears, click on it
  3. Then you get a message field that sends an email directly to our help desk

4. Build-in / Build-out / Overbuild

Is your device built-in? Then this menu is relevant for you! You can use this menu to transfer your unit to another car or have a new unit installed!

  1. Click on Build-in / Build-out / Overbuild
  2. Select the type of work you want done
  3. Enter the license plate number (in the case of overbuilding, also enter the old license plate number)
  4. Select the IMEI (number of the dongle / blackbox you want to install)
  5. We have already filled in the contact information , please change it to the address where the work is to be performed

5. Dashboard - Customize your map view - Set your trip cutoff time

This menu has multiple faces, namely your map view, automatic ride modes and more! Want to change your live map view? Then click here. View drivers, license plates or vehicle names. Customize to your liking! Below we explain what everything means.

‍Switchto business mode after each trip

The vehicle's default trip type is set to business. The riders themselves can change the trip type when a trip is private or commuting.‍

Automate trip mode

The setting determines how the trip type is automated. This can be based on:

- Use only useful place

Trips are set to private, business or commuting based on the points of interest.‍

- Use only privacy schedules

The trips are only set to private, business or commuting based on privacy schedules (you can set these in the settings).


Dashboard icon: Choose which label to make visible on the floor plan.

2FA: Enable this setting to secure the account using two factor authentication security.

Dynamic ride interval: After how many seconds of downtime do you want the ride to end?

Live view refresh interval: manually set the time period to refresh the live map.

6. Groups - Create groups based on users or vehicles.

Create your groups. Managers with a certain role can then also see only this group, and not the entire fleet. Want to know more about roles? Then click here.

  1. In settings, click on groups (or click on groups in the user menu)
  2. Click on Add Group
  3. Name the group
  4. Select the vehicles you want in the group/ if you want to add the driver also in the group, click on: select driver also. We then also select the user directly.
  5. If you want to add separate users, repeat step 3 in the other column. Do you want to make the user admin? Then check group admin .
  6. Ready? Then click on Create

7. Points of interest - Geofences

In this menu, you easily create points of interest . These are points of interests, as they are officially called. Add your home address, office or fixed business or private address. If you drive from home to the office, your trip registration will show this as well. Add point of interest, read here what you have to do.

Geofences can also be easily added in this menu. Then click on the Geofences tab at the top and follow the instrucies here.

8. Maintenance -Plan your vehicle maintenance

Cartracker's maintenance center. View all scheduled maintenance of your vehicles here and schedule it yourself too! Read how to do this here.

  1. Open Settings
  2. In the box you can see the maintenance that have already been added
  3. Click on Add Service
  4. Select the desired vehicle
  5. Click on the drop down Type of Service and select an option
  6. Enter the desired date and mileage at which the service is to be performed - you will receive advance notice when a vehicle is due for service
  7. Of course you can also leave notes, then click on register

9. Notifications - Personalize your notifications

Within this menu, you can personalize your notifications to your liking. Get the notifications you care about! Click here to see how you do this.

10. Parking - Set your parking settings for your fleet.

Cartracker allows you to park for business and private use. We send separate invoices for parking, set here:

  1. Your email address for parking invoices in
  2. The payment method for invoices in

Would you like to activate Business Parking for your fleet? Then please contact us.

11. Privacy (time) schedules - Automatic ride modes.

This is a menu to automatically change your trips from business to private or vice versa at set times. You can use this menu if you or your employees drive for business or private reasons at set times. At these times the trip modes will change automatically. This means you no longer have to worry about the trip registration, trips are automatically changed from business to private and vice versa!

Follow the following steps to set up your privacy schedules:

  1. Click on Privacy (time) schedules
  2. Choose Add new schedule
  3. Select your trip type - Private, Business or Commuting
  4. Schedule - separate days, weekends, weekdays and more
  5. Choose your(work) times
  6. You can set this for all vehicles - or select separate vehicles - turn the 'slider' next to all vehicles on or off

12. Roles - Set the permissions for your Cartracker system

Create your own roles and rights in your system and determine who has access to what. Here you can read all about setting up roles in your system and how to change them!

13. Reporting Schedules - Get your reporting automatically!

For example, would you like to receive your mileage reports automatically every week? This is possible and you can easily set it up in this menu. Read here how to do it!

14. iButtons - RFID - Tags | Perfect for changing drivers

Do you have changing drivers and want to link them to tags, passes or tags? Then you need to arrange that through this menu! Because of the complexity we have dedicated a special chapter to this. Read the instruction here!

15. Hallmark Reports

Have you installed your dongle or have blackbox(es) in your vehicle(s)? Then you will receive the Hallmark Ride Registration Systems. This makes it possible to download your Keurmerk Reports. These are encrypted documents, only the tax authorities can open them. Here you can read how to download your Keurmerk Reports.

  1. Click on Hallmark Reports
  2. In the second frame you see all previous export orders, do you want to create a new export? Then click on Create new export
  3. Select the periods(start and stop)
  4. Choose whether to export by user or vehicle
  5. Select the vehicle and user or all users
  6. Then click on Create